Perryville Battlefield State Historic Site 1825 Battlefield Rd., Perryville, KY
Saturday May 11
10 am-Charlie Logsdon- Roundstone Seed Company-Presentation on how to set up your own wildflower field.
10 am-Frankfort Audubon Society-Gary Sprandel-Bird Walk
11 am-Shannon Trimboli-Backyard Ecology / Busy Bee Nursery and Consulting-Gardening With Native Plants
Noon-Charlie Logsdon- Roundstone Seed Company-Presentation on how to set up your own wildflower field.
1 pm-Jim Embry-How to create a pollinator habitat on your farm and his success at organizing the Pollinator Working group in Madison County.
2 pm-Karen Michul-North American Butterfly Association
3 pm-Robert Myers-Kentucky State Naturalist-Bird Walk.
- All speakers will present in Civil War Hall across from the Museum
- The Perryville Battlefield State Historic Sites welcomes the following organizations: