
Welcome to The Perryville Civil War Battlefield Website


 Birding at the Battlefield

Birding at Perryville

Although best known for the epic Civil War battle that occurred here, Perryville Battlefield is also a wildlife refuge that features a variety of wildlife and habitats. The 1,000 acres of preserved land contains woodlands, grasslands, and dense thickets where dozens of species of birds can be observed. The park has a dedicated “Bird Trail” that meanders through these habitats.

Numerous rare bird species use the grasslands at Perryville Battlefield for spring nesting habitats. Bobolinks and Henslow’s Sparrows can be seen along the “Bird Trail” as it winds its way along the grassy bottoms of Doctor’s Creek and Donelson’s Run. Migrating waterfowl are very visible on the creeks that run through Perryville during the fall. Winter is a great time to see the many raptor species that hunt in the open fields. One might even catch a glimpse of one of Kentucky’s most threatened bird species – the Barn Owl.

For the trail map click here

To download the Kentucky Bird Checklist click here

Or come to our visitor’s center and pick up a trail map and bird checklist!


Rare Birds that make Perryville Battlefield their Home!


Henslow’s Sparrow
A small, sharp tailed sparrow with crown stripes, and olive head contrasting with the brown back, reddish wings and fine streaks on the breast and sides. These rare birds are often found in the bottoms along Drs. Creek.


A small bird whose male is unique. He is black below with conspicuous white patches above and a yellowish nape. The Female is buffy and streaked. Breeding pairs of these birds have been seen in the grassy areas next to Donelson’s Run.

Loggerhead Shrike 2

 Loggerhead Shrike
A medium sized bird with a long tail and a large head with a distinctive beak. They are gray above and white below, with a conspicuous black mask. They show white in the wings and tail while in flight. These birds are often sighted in the hard woods next to Lumsden’s Alabama Battery. 


Barn Owl
This rare owl is large with long legs. It has a white, heart-shaped facial disk. A few breeding pairs are at home on the battlefield. They can be seen at dusk near the old silo at Sleettown.

For Information on Birding at Kentucky State Parks and to report rare bird sightings please go to http://parks.ky.gov/birding/default.aspx

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Northern Harrier



These photos courtesy of Mark Lowry


                 Eastern Bluebird                                                                  Blue Grosbeak                                                         Common Yellow-Throat Warbler

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                      American Goldfinch                                                                     Song Sparrow                                                                         Yellow-Breasted Chat

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                         Gray Catbird                                                                     Hairy Woodpecker                                                                     Lincoln's Sparrow

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             Brown Creeper                                                                Northern Waterthrush                                                           Eastern Wood Pewee


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