No. 30.
Report of Col. William C. Kise, Tenth Indiana Infantry, Second Brigade, First Division. OR, Vol. 16, Pt. 1, p. 1074 - 1075
CAMP NEAR ORAB ORCHARD, Ky., October 10, 1862.
I have the honor to report to you that on the evening of the 7th instant, according to your order, I sent my regiment on picket duty, under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Carroll, and had it posted 1 ½ miles in advance of our camp, on the road leading to Perryville, in front of where the enemy was said to be in force.
About 12 midnight Lieutenant-Colonel Carroll sent out Companies A and E, Captains Hamilton and Johnssen, as skirmishers, to feel after and ascertain, if possible, if the enemy was in the vicinity. Captain Johnssen proceeded about a mile, when he came upon a considerable force of the enemy and engaged them. After exchanging a number of shots and finding a superior number of the enemy opposed to him he fell back, according to orders, on the regiment, Captain Hamilton taking position as outpost picket.
Nothing further occurred until 5 a.m., when the regiment was formed in line of battle and moved across an open field about one-half mile, when the skirmishers under Captain Johnssen were again fired upon by those of the enemy. I arrived on the field at 7 a.m. and took command. Soon after I relieved Captain Johnssen's company of skirmishers by sending forward Company B, Captain Goben, to take their place, which position Captain Goben maintained, skirmishing with the enemy occasionally until about 12 noon, when by your order I moved the regiment out of the wood across an open field under fire of shot and shell from a battery of the enemy, crossing a rail and also a stone fence, and ascending a steep hill, followed to our left, and somewhat in our rear, by the Eighty-sixth Illinois, under command of Colonel Irons.
We came upon a force of the enemy outnumbering us, who at once opened a galling fire upon us, which was returned by my regiment in splendid order. Company B, Captain Goben, being the left flanking company, and near where the enemy was in heavy force, under cover of a rail fence and under the slope of a hill, sustained the brunt of the battle, suffering a loss of 4 killed and 3 wounded; but the captain, leading his men, stood up resolutely, and, after my regiment had obstinately contested the ground for twenty minutes, the enemy gave way and fled in confusion, leaving their dead and wounded on the field.
After remaining on the field of our success until 3 p.m., when a general line of battle was formed by General Sheridan's division, the Tenth Indiana being the only regiment on the field from your brigade or from the First Division, I was ordered by General Sheridan to the rear as a support, which order I promptly but reluctantly obeyed. Shortly after I received an order from you to rejoin the brigade, which I did about sunset.
My regiment lost 4 killed and 7 wounded. The list is herewith appended.
In closing this brief report I would be doing injustice to the officers and men of my command were I not to speak of the promptness with which my every order was obeyed and executed and the gallantry of officers and men of the regiment. Every line officer on the field' was at his post. Lieut. Col. William B. Carroll, Maj. Marsh B. Taylor, and Adjt. John W. Harden, rendered me invaluable assistance by their energy, coolness, and courage on the field.
The movements of the regiment having been made under your immediate observation, this report is respectfully submitted, hoping that the day is not far distant when the Tenth Indiana will again have an opportunity of going to battle under your generalship, to assist in crushing out a rebellion raised by ambitious men and disappointed office-seekers.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
W. C. KISE, Colonel, Commanding Tenth Indiana Volunteers.
Brig. Gen. S. S. FRY, Comdg. Second Brig., First Div.