Soldier Search
On this page, you can search for individual casualties that took place at the Battle of Perryville. Here are a few tips on how to do this:
- None of the fields are required. Leave them all blank if you want a list of all names to show up.
- For first and last name, you can do what's called a “wildcard” search using the '%' character or the '_' character.
- '%' means a substitute for zero or more characters (e.g. the search 'J%' is all names that start with 'J')
- '_' means a substitute for a single character (e.g. the search 'Jo_' would return 3 letter names that start with 'Jo' such as Jon, Joe, etc.).
- For example, if you are looking for an individual named 'John' but you're not sure how it's spelled, you can search for this: 'jo_n' and that will look for all variations of john (john, jon, etc). Or, you can do this: 'jo%n' which will look for all names that have 'jon' in them (john, jon, jonathon, johnny, etc.).
- For ages, you can search a range. To do this, just separate two number by a comma. So if you're looking for individuals between the ages of 18 and 22, just type into the age box: '18, 22' and all ages between 18 and 22 (including 18 and 22) will show up.